Heating Assitance Funds Available Through April 15, 2023
Cape Elizabeth residents that meet established Low & Moderate Income Guidelines (outlined on the application) may apply for heating assistance through a $50,000 grant awarded to the Town of Cape Elizabeth by Cumberland County.
This program applies only to bills for service or delivery after your application has been approved. It is not retroactive. Multiple heat sources qualify.
For qualified and approved applicants, the town will pay invoices directly received from an oil, propane, electricity, or wood supplier.
Assuming there is no change in income since your first approval, funding through April 15, 2023, is eligible without filing a new application.
All applications are confidential. Please email any questions to jane.anderson@capeelizabeth.org or call 207-799-2868. Applications may be downloaded and printed or picked up at the Community Center.
Heating Assistance Guidelines